If you have your own car or any sort of motorized vehicle, there is a good chance that you are required to carry insurance on it. Therefore, it is in your best interest to know how insurance rates are calculated and how you can lower them. Let’s take a look at some common criteria used to determine how much you will play for coverage.
What’s Your Driving Record?
In general, better drivers are going to get better rates. Therefore, if you have been in an accident in the last two years or have gotten a traffic ticket, you can expect to play a higher rate in the short-term. The good news is that insurance companies only look back two or three years, so it may be possible to get your clean record back assuming that your mistake was an isolated incident.
Do You Pay Your Bills on Time?
If you have a good credit score, you can expect to pay less for your coverage. This is because those with good credit are thought to be more responsible in general, which translates into those people being better drivers. Even if you don’t have great credit, you can still lower your premium by taking driver education courses. Furthermore, married couples generally enjoy lower rates as they are seen to be more responsible in general.
How Old Are You?
Drivers between the ages of 25 and 65 will pay the lowest rates for car insurance assuming that they have a clean driving record. This is because they are statistically the least likely to get into an accident. Drivers under 25 are deemed to have too little experience behind the wheel while those over 65 may suffer from diminished reaction times or other health problems that can compromise their ability to drive. Senior drivers can get certain discounts too.
Insurance is worth it!
Whether you drive to work everyday or you simply take your car to the store and back, you need to have proper insurance. If you get into an accident, your insurance policy will provide you with financial protection against lawsuits or damage done to your own or another vehicle. If you are hit, your insurance company could provide you with compensation even if the other driver leaves the scene. Fill out our quote form and we’ll get you the best rates!
10501 Six Mile Cypress Pky #101
Fort Myers, FL 33966
1031 Cape Coral Pkwy
Cape Coral, Florida 33904
(239) 205-6072